<h1 class="entry-title">Category: Legislative Update</h1>
DOWNLOAD THIS LIST HERE. HB 1428 (HD265) – An Act relative to personal information Rep Coppinger (JJU) HB 1464 (HD3532) – An Act relative to capital punishment for the murder of law enforcement officers Rep Decoste (JJU) HB 1662 HD2662 – An Act to improve transparency in alleged police misconduct Rep Markey (JJU) HB 1767 […]
The following is a list of NH Legislative Hearings scheduled for this week. NEPBA State Director Steve Arnold will be there watching out for our members’ interests. Please contact Steve at sarnold@nepba.org if you have any comments or questions. Because the list is 14 pages long, we have encapsulated it in a pdf for you […]
Attached is the most recent NH Legislative Report. Please feel free to download it and contact me should you have any ideas or concerns. Stephen J. Arnold, Sr., NH State Director New England Police Benevolent Association, Inc. (603) 231-1606 sarnold@nepba.org Click here to download the report