The committee did not act on the Flagger bill today. A few ideas presented by Senators Sanborn and Little. Senator Sanborn wants to bring an amendment that states no law enforcement officer, regardless of vested or not, can use detail pay from utility detail work towards their retirement calculation. This is obviously a BIG problem, […]
<h1 class="entry-title">Category: Legislative Update</h1>
TESTIMONY OF NEPBA LEGISLATIVE ASSISTANT CHUCK FLAHIVE: Dear Committee Members and Mr Senate President Morse, On August 26, 2015 I attended an organizational meeting on this bill where Senator Bradley, Representatives Kurk, True and Cohen were present. Several utility company lobbyist’s were present and spoke directly to Senator Bradley. One of these people was Michael […]
NEPBA busy testifying on Flagger Bill
SB365 February 17, 2016 Opposing Testimony offered by Stephen J. Arnold, Sr NH State Director New England Police Benevolent Association Mr. Chairman, members of the committee. My name is Steve Arnold, I am the State and Legislative Director for the New England Police Benevolent Association. I am a retired Portsmouth Police Detective and a Past […]