<h1 class="entry-title">Category: NH Legislative Updates</h1>
Attached is the most recent NH Legislative Report. Please feel free to download it and contact me should you have any ideas or concerns. Stephen J. Arnold, Sr., NH State Director New England Police Benevolent Association, Inc. (603) 231-1606 sarnold@nepba.org Click here to download the report
SB363 Group retirement system middle tier employee buyback On Friday the House Executive Departments & Administration Committee conducted its public hearing on SB363 which would allow middle tier Group II employees to buy down years to get to the 20 year Everyone gave solid testimony, there was no opposition and the committee will likely hold […]
NEW HAMPSHIRE LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: As the New Hampshire Legislature, the House and Senate, has reach crossover (House Bill to Senate; Senate Bills to House) the following actions have taken place that is of concern to the NH Legislative Delegation, as we continue to Lobby, testify, and watch. Since our March 9th report, the following actions […]