The New England PBA Scholarship Program is awarded to deserving students who have graduated from high school and have been accepted to a school of higher education. This includes any four-year University or College, any two-year Community College, any Vocational Technical College or any accredited secondary school of higher education, regardless of the course of study. However, NO scholarship shall be awarded for any Master’s Degree or Doctorate Degree Program.

Each of the Nine (9) winning applicants shall be awarded a one-time $500.00 dollar New England PBA Scholarship. These award winning college scholarships shall be made payable directly to the college students to be used for tuition, fees, housing, transportation, books or any other college related expense these students see fit. No previous award winner of a New England PBA Scholarship shall be deemed eligible for more than one scholarship within his/her college career. These scholarships are awarded annually in September by the New England Police Benevolent Association, Inc. at the FALL Meeting of the New England PBA Executive Board. All winning applicants will be notified of the time, date and place and the award winning student or his/her member sponsor shall be required to attend.

The DEADLINE for filing all applications is July 31, 2017. ALL applications MUST be postmarked no later than July 31, 2017 or MUST be received in the NEPBA Headquarters on or before that date.

New England Police Benevolent Association, Inc.

c/o New England PBA Scholarship Program

7 Technology Drive – Suite 102

  1. Chelmsford, MA 01863

Click here for the NEPBA $500 Scholarship application


Andrew L. Ray was one of the original founding members of the New England PBA and was the 1st NEPBA Secretary-Treasurer of our organization. His commitment to the law enforcement community and the labor movement remains the cornerstone of our organization; his zeal for helping his fellow officers was only overshadowed by the pride he bestowed on this organization and his zest for life. His loss will never be replaced, nor will we ever forget his passion for this organization or the love for those he served.

The Andrew L. Ray Memorial Scholarship shall be awarded each year to ONE (1) deserving student who has graduated from high school and has been accepted to a school of higher education at an accredited four-year college or university and shall be pursuing a career in Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement, Labor Relations or a related field of study.

To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:

* The parent, grandparent or guardian must be a current dues paying member, in good standing, of a union and or local affiliated with the New England Police Benevolent Association, Inc.

* All applicants who are eligible for the (9) $500.00 dollar NEPBA Scholarships shall have graduated from high school and shall have been accepted to a school of higher education. This includes any four-year University or College, any two-year Community College, any Vocational Technical College or any accredited secondary school of higher education, regardless of the course of study.

* Any applicant who is eligible for THE ANDREW L. RAY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP of $2,500.00 dollars shall have graduated from high school, shall have been accepted to a four-year school of higher education and shall be pursuing a career in Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement, Labor Relations or a related field of study.

* Eligibility of any related field of study shall be determined by the NEPBA Scholarship Committee.

The applicant shall submit a completed NEPBA SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM to:


c/o NEPBA Scholarship Committee

7 Technology Drive, Suite 102

Chelmsford, MA 01863

Click here for the NEPBA $2500 Andrew Ray Scholarship application

* ALL applicants shall submit with their completed NEPBA SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION along with the following:

(1)     The application must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation from a teacher or counselor from the applicant’s current school.

(2)     All Freshman applicant’s shall provide an official High School Transcript and/or SAT Scores.

3)     All current college students (Sophomore, Junior or Senior students) shall provide an official College Transcript.

(4)     All Applicants shall provide a personal type written letter articulating their reasons, needs and desires for applying for the NEPBA SCHOLORSHIP.

(5)   All applications shall provide a tasteful and updated photograph of themselves that will be utilized on our website to signify the winners of the NEPBA Scholarships.

The 2017 scholarship deadline is July 31, 2017.