Public Service Committee Hearing on September 1, 2021
SB1753 – An Act relative to the alignment of the University of Massachusetts police
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael O. Moore (D)
Summary for SB1753
Amends GL 32:3 (Membership in Groups of the State Retirement System) to include the chief of police for the University of Massachusetts medical school, supervisory police officers and police officers of the University of Massachusetts system in Group 4; directs the state board of retirement to establish and implement a retirement incentive for University of Massachusetts police who held positions immediately prior to the effective date of this act; provides that each eligible member of the University of Massachusetts police shall receive a combination of total years of creditable service and years of age, the sum of which shall total, yet not be greater than, five years of creditable service and five years of age, provided said police officer retires within twelve months of the date of enactment of this act.
SB1675 – An Act relative to public safety officers and creditable service
Sponsored by: Sen. Brendan Crighton (D)
Summary for SB1675
Grants members who previously worked for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority as a public safety officer, or who have previous public safety experience in other states to up to five years of creditable years of service for such experience, provided they make contributions towards retirements equal to those they would have made during that time.
SB1744 – An Act relative to the active service buy-back program for firefighters and police officers
Sponsored by: Sen. Jason M. Lewis (D)
Summary for SB1744
Amends GL 32:4 (Retirement Systems: Creditable Service) to allow a veteran who has creditable service as a fire fighter or police officer to purchase creditable service for active services in the armed forces of the United States at the same rate as a fire fighter or police officer.
HB2552 – An Act relative to the creditable service for local municipal police and the Massachusetts State Police
Sponsored by: Rep. James Arciero (D)
Summary for HB2552
Grants members of the Massachusetts State Police or of local municipal police departments with previous public safety experience other states to creditable years of service for such out of state experience, provided they make contributions towards retirement equal to that they would have made during that time.
The public is invited to participate in this virtual hearing. To testify before the Committee, participants must pre-register by clicking here and completing the form. The deadline to register is Monday, August 30 at 5:00 p.m. Once registered, participants will receive an invitation to the virtual hearing via Microsoft Teams. Members of the public may also view a livestream or recording of this hearing on malegislature.gov. Per committee rules, the Chair will limit testimony to three minutes per individual. Written testimony is strongly encouraged and may be submitted to the Committee via email to Jessica.Foley@mahouse.gov. Please indicate the bill number in the subject of the email. The Committee will accept written testimony through Wednesday, September 8, 2021 at 5:00pm. For questions or assistance with accessing this hearing, please contact Elizabeth.Donovan@mahouse.gov or 617-722-2575