NEPBA Bills of Interest for 2023-24 (Massachusetts)

24 Mar

NEPBA Bills of Interest for 2023-24 (Massachusetts)


HB 1428 (HD265) – An Act relative to personal information   Rep Coppinger  (JJU)

HB 1464 (HD3532) – An Act relative to capital punishment for the murder of law enforcement officers Rep Decoste  (JJU)

HB 1662 HD2662 – An Act to improve transparency in alleged police misconduct  Rep Markey (JJU)

HB 1767 (HD733) – An Act establishing penalties for the filing of false reports against police officers     Rep Stanley (JJU)

HB 1773 (HD1287) – An Act to promote correctional personnel safety  Rep Sullivan  (JJU)

HB 1828  (HD2698) – An Act Relative to Corrections Officer Safety    Rep Slotnik (JJU)

HB 2114 (HD1301) – An Act relative to accidental disability retirement for police officers and firefighters  (JPS)

HB 2286 (HD1793) An Act relative to emergency hazard health duty    Rep Arciero  (JPS)

HB 2301 (HD264) – An Act relative to critical incident intervention by emergency service providers   Rep Coppinger   (JPSF)

HB 2315 (HD2554) – An Act further defining a hate crime  Rep Decoste  (JJU)

HB 2322 (HD2362) – An Act establishing a commission to study post-traumatic stress disorder in law enforcement officers  Rep Durant  (JPSF)

HB 2344 (HD3242) – An Act providing for greater police transparency   Rep Holmes   (JPSF)

HB 2355 (HD1403) – An Act relative to the well-being of law enforcement officers after involvement in a critical incident    Rep LaNatra   (JPSF)

HB 2378 (HD3299) – An Act relative to the POST Commission    Rep McMurtry   (JPSF)

HB 2388 (HD3453) – An Act Relative to POST Certified Law Enforcement Officers   Rep Pignatelli    (JPSF)

HB 2394 (HD3087) – An Act to improve transparency and accountability in correctional facilities   Rep Rogers   JPSF)

HB 2421 (HD130) – An Act relative to emergency response in an active shooter or hostile event situation   Rep Xhiaros    (JPSF)

HB 2430 (HD1680) – An Act relative to pay parity for county correctional officers  Rep Ashe  (JPS)

HB 2488 (HD2681) – An Act relative to public safety personnel   Rep Cusak   (JPS)

HB 2492 (HD 134)  An Act restoring retirement rights of certain employees of Plymouth County (Plymouth BCI)   Rep Cutler    (JPS)

HB 2493 (HD137) – An Act further regulating the retirement rights of certain employees (Plymouth BCI)    Rep Cutler   (JPS)

HB 2531 (HD 1838)   An Act authorizing the state retirement board to retire Richard D’Auria, a University of Massachusetts police officer disabled by cardiac disease, under the provisions of the “Heart Law”      Rep Garry (not referred yet)

HB 2532 (HD 1839)   Act providing equity to police officers disabled by cardiac disease      Rep Garry   (JPS)

HB 2545 (HD1134) – An Act relative to line-of-duty death and survivor benefits Rep Haggerty  (JPS)


HB 2552 (HD2093) – An Act relative to the cancer presumption for police officers   Rep Hawkins   (JPS)

HB 2580 (HD197) – An Act relative to pensions for children of public safety officers killed in the line of duty     Rep Lebeouf   (JPS)

HB 2594 (HD1400) – An Act relative to the disability or death caused by post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)   Rep McGonagle    (JPS)

HB 2603 (HD3476) – An Act further regulating the retirement benefits of certain public safety employees Rep McMurtry   (JPS)

HB 2609 (HD 2099) An Act relative to correct inequities regarding the retirement of state-employed and special authority-employed police officers      Rep Mom     (JPS)

HB 2618 (HD1025) – An Act to ensure fairness in retirement benefits for certain employees of the Department of Correction    Rep O’Day    (JPS)

HB 2628 (HD1521) – An Act to protect the retirement classification of Barnstable county dispatchers and dispatch retirees     Rep Peake    (JPS)

HB2638 (HD277)- An Act relative to police officers and firefighters relative to Chapter 41, Section 111F Rep Puppollo     (JPS)

HB 2644 (HD 1672) An Act relative to the equitable merger of the Group 4 and Group 2 retirement classifications of the University of Massachusetts police           Rep Robertson   (JPS)

HB 2645 (HD 1675) An Act Regarding Retirement of Public Authority Law Enforcement Employee Groups      Rep Robertson    (JPS)

HB 2647 (HD2993) – An Act relative to injured and incapacitated state-employed police officers   Rep Robertson   (JPS)

HB 2648 (HD2999) – An Act relative to injured correctional officers    Rep Robertson  (JPS)

HB 2666 (HD2179) – An Act relative to clarifying the application of the heart bill   Rep Smola   (JPS)

HB 2667 (HD174) – An Act to provide public safety telecommunicators with the same internal benefits as first responders    Rep Soter   (JPS)

HB2668 (HD1395) – An Act relative to the retirement benefits of certain public safety employees   Rep Sullivan-Almeida   (JPS)

HB 2683 (HD1237) – An Act providing the next of kin of a police officer or firefighter killed in the line of duty with the flags of the Commonwealth and the United States   Rep Walsh  (JPS)


HB 2688 (HD2704) – An Act relative to law enforcement officer benefit equity    Rep Slotnik  (JPS)

HB 2689 (HD2705) – An Act relative to the retirement of University of Massachusetts police  Rep Slotnik   (JPS)

HB 3473 (HD1233 – An Act establishing the Blue Star Family license plate  Rep Stanley  (JTR)

HB 3476 (HD1641) – An Act providing for a Red Shield/Blue Shield license plate to survivors of firefighters and police officers who have died in the line of duty Rep Whipps   (JTR)

HD410 – An Act providing for a fair and equitable group 4 retirement benefit for police officers working on Massachusetts public higher education campuses   Rep Doherty    (JPS)


SB986  (SD42) – An Act relative to hate crimes against police officers Sen Gobi  (JJU)

SB1088 (SD1067) – An Act relative to the protection of police officers  Sen O’Connor  (JJU)

SB1135 (SD871) – An Act establishing penalties for the filing of false reports against police officers  Sen Velis   (JJU)

SB1149 (SD2279) – An Act relative to collective bargaining right  Sen Collins (JLW)

SB1178 (SD2084) – An Act providing hazard pay and protection for essential workers during a public health “State of Emergency” declaration  Sen Feeney  (JLW)

SB1477 (SD1528) – An Act to improve transparency and accountability in correctional facilities   Sen Barrett   (JPSF)

SB1486 (SD2274) – An Act relative to the POST  Sen Collins  (JPSF)

SB1510 (SD1937) – An Act to protect the civil rights and safety of all Massachusetts residents  Sen Eldridge    (JPSF)

SB1519 (SD729) – An Act to ensure pay parity for county sheriffs’ correction officers and jail officers  Sen Feeney  (JPSF)

SB1545 (SD1054) – An Act creating an independent correctional oversight office to facilitate the recommendations of the Special Legislative Commission on Structural Racism in Correctional Facilities of the Commonwealth    (JPSF)

SB1546 (SD1379) – An Act Establishing the Massachusetts Correctional Officer Accountability and Standards Training Commission (JPSF)

SB1548 (SD2071) – An Act establishing a correctional inspector general office  Sen Miranda  (JPSF)

SB1558 (SD1519) – An Act relative to public safety on private college and university campuses  Sen Moore  (JPS)

SB1570 (SD1708) – An Act relative to the well-being of law enforcement officers after involvement in a critical incident  Sen Moran  (JPSF)

SB1572 (SD157) – An Act relative to emergency response in an active shooter or hostile event situation Sen O’Connor  (JPSF)

SB1582 (SD1008) – An Act relative to media access and transparency in correctional facilities  Sen Rausch   (JPSF)

SB1588 (SD58) – An Act relative to safety of officers by requiring interior lights in automobiles to be on during stops    Sen Tarr  (JPSF)

SB1609 (SD172) – An Act further regulating the retirement rights of certain employees of Plymouth County Sen Brady  (JPS)

SB1604 (SD215) – An Act relative to the health of correctional employees  Sen Velis (JPSF)

SB1605 (SD869) – An Act related to public safety and police evidence review  Sen Velis (JPSF)

SB1614 (SD206) – An Act restoring the retirement rights of certain employees    Sen Brady (JPS)

SB1619 (SD1352) – An Act providing for a COVID-19 retirement credit to essential first responders employees  Sen Collins   (JPS)

SB1623 (SD1399) – An Act relative to survivor retirement benefits  Sen Collins   (JPS)

SB1624 (SD1400) – An Act relative to disability or death caused by infectious diseases, presumption    Sen Collins  (JPS)

SB1634 (SD161) – An Act relative to GIC healthcare coverage for group 4 members pending disability retirement Sen Cronin  (JPS)

SB1636 (SD729) – An Act relative to disability or death caused by contagious diseases; presumption Sen Cronin

SB1637 (SD730) – An Act relative to the disability or death caused by post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)  Sen Cronin  (JPS)

SB1645 (SD509) – An Act relative to disability or death caused by post-traumatic stress disorder  Sen DiDomenico  (JPS)

SB1658 (SD2306) – An Act relative to the retirement of state university and community college police officers Sen Fattman   (JPS)

SB1673 (SD1669) – An Act relative to 911 emergency telecommunicators inclusion in the heart bill   Sen Feeney   (JPS)

SB1674 (SD1673) – An Act relative to Massachusetts certified emergency telecommunicators  Sen Feeney (JPS)

SB 1693 (SD 639) An Act authorizing the state retirement board to retire Richard D’Auria, a University of Massachusetts police officer disabled by cardiac disease, under the provisions of the “Heart Law”       Sen Kennedy

SB 1694 (SD1276) – An Act providing equity to police officers disabled by cardiac disease   Sen Kennedy

SB1697 (SD1026) – An Act relative to the active service buy-back program for firefighters and police officers  Sen Lewis   (JPS)

SB1703 (SD1496) – An Act providing equity to police officers disabled by cardiac disease  Sen Moore   (JPS)

SB 1703 (SD1496) An Act providing equity to police officers disabled by cardiac disease. Sen Moore

SB 1704 (SD 1497)  An Act relative to the retirement of MassPort officers

SB1705 (SD1523) – An Act relative to the timely and consistent payment of law enforcement personnel  Sen Moore  (JPS)

SB1706 (SD1892) – An Act relative to the alignment of the University of Massachusetts police  Sen Moore   (JPS)

SB1716 (SD809) – An Act providing equity to police officers disabled by cardiac disease  Sen Olivera (JPS)

SB1718 (SD593) – An Act relative to corrections officers injured in the line of duty  Sen Pacheco  (JPS)

SB1719 (SD594) – An Act relative to public higher education campus police officers injured in the line of  duty    Sen Pacheco  (JPS)

SB1732 (SD1847) – An Act relative to boston school police retirement    Sen Rush  (JPS)

SB1734 (SD121) – An Act providing the next of kin of a police officer or firefighter killed in the line of duty with the flags of the Commonwealth and the United States SD121 Sen Tarr (JPS)

SB1736 (SD587) – An Act relative to disability pensions for public safety employees who are victims of violence  Sen Tarr (JPS)

SB1737 (SD643) – An Act providing equity to Police officers disabled by cardiac disease Sen Tarr  (JPS)

SB1740 (SD570) – An Act relative to the safety of fire, police, and emergency medical technicians from contagious diseases  Sen Timilty  (JPS)

SB 1746 (SD 200) An Act Providing for a fair and equitable group 4 retirement benefit for police officers working on Massachusetts Public Higher Education Campuses     Sen Velis    (JPS)

SB 1747 (SD 201) An Act Regarding Retirement of Public Authority Law Enforcement Employee Groups          Sen Velis           (JPS)

SB1749 (SD207) – An Act relative to accidental disability retirement for police officers and firefighters  Sen Velis (JPS)

SB2296 (SD117) – An Act establishing the Blue Star Family license plate   Sen Tarr   (JTR)

SB2323 (SD1425) – An Act establishing a commission on post traumatic stress disorder Sen Finegold   (JVA)

SB2330 (SD1023) – An Act relative to public employee benefits for military service members on active duty  Sen Rausch    (JVF)


SD852 – An Act providing hazard pay and protection for essential workers during a “State of Emergency” declaration  Sen Feeney