Letter from the Executive Director regarding the Janus Decision

Letter from the Executive Director regarding the Janus Decision

Dear New England PBA Members;

The US Supreme Court by a 5-4 vote in a case called the “Janus Decision” has caused widespread panic within the AFL-CIO & other labor unions as a result of its inability to collect an agency fee from its non-members.

In fact, in Massachusetts the law stated that union dues are a condition of employment and you were required to either pay union dues or an agency fee, which is usually 10% less than the union dues and the union is required to represent you, but you may be required to pay for certain services such as legal fees.

The NEW ENGLAND PBA has less than 1% paying an agency fee in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts rather than full representation as a union member. In New Hampshire, right to work legislation failed and allowed union to collect a fee from non-unions, however the NEW ENGLAND PBA HAS NEVER CHARGED NON-MEMBERS AN AGENCY FEE IN THE GRANITE STATE.

Moreover, NEW ENGLAND PBA does not charge an agency fee in the State of Vermont, Maine or any other state we represent our members and we are proud of our stellar record of achievement and of the representation of our members.

The NEW ENGLAND PBA has a 99% dues paying rate and the Janus Decision should have no impact on our membership or our organization as a whole.

As the premier law enforcement labor union in New England, the New England PBA has changed the landscape of labor law across New England and has legislatively provided life changing decisions which have had a positive impact on our membership.

NEW ENGLAND PBA does not endorse nor support a political candidate simply because they have a (D) at the end of their name, but rather that individual candidate goes through a thorough vetting process by the legislative committee and he or she is then required to attend a meeting where he or she can state his or her position and the membership decides on whether to endorse his or her candidacy or not. Make no mistake about the “Janus Decision” this was about elections and about PAC’s – NOT LABOR!

It’s high time, all labor unions realize that endorsing the one party system rather than individual candidates has caused great harm to not only the labor movement, but to all our members.

As law enforcement professionals we are not only faced with the dangers on the street or within the cell block, we are also faced with the rigors of those that wish us harm and/or ill will, along with those authoritative administrations, who treat union members with this same distain.

We have all seen injustices in both the courtroom and the workplace, where innocent members are unjustly accused and it’s the job of the union to defend, protect and assist that individual member with the best and legal and representational services available, the New England PBA has always been that union and we will continue to defend, represent and assist our members because law enforcement doesn’t take a day off, we work 365/24/7 and neither do the criminals.

We took an oath to protect and serve, as well as to uphold the Constitution and although the Janus Decision is now the law of the land, it will not preclude our organization from moving forward and representing the dedicated and hard working union members of the New England PBA.

In closing, as members of the New England PBA your union dues are NOT USED FOR ANY POLITICAL CANDIDATE – that is strictly used from the voluntary contributions of the NEPBA POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE. As union members, your union dues are utilized for representational, legislative and legal Services, including shootings, use of force issues and on the job incidents, which would have an adverse effect on you personally and more importantly on your family and their future. GOD BLESS & STAY SAFE THIS 4th of July.

In Solidarity,

Jerry Flynn, Executive Director
New England Police Benevolent Association, Inc.