<h1 class="entry-title">Category: NEPBA Police Updates</h1>

Maine police on lookout for missing porcupine sculpture

Associated Press PORTLAND, Maine — Maine police are on the lookout for a prickly piece of art. Officials said Tuesday that a porcupine sculpture was recently stolen from the grounds of the Portland International Jetport. It's one of 10 individual animal sculptures that are part of a work called Glimpse by artist Wendy Klemperer. The […]

Prosecutor: Despite video, SC officer's shooting was tough case

By Jeffrey Collins Associated Press COLUMBIA, S.C. — Prosecutors in the Carolinas have charged at least five white officers recently with felonies after on-duty shootings of black men, but they're finding that getting jurors to send them to prison can be a far more difficult challenge. Solicitor Donnie Myers still believes officer Justin Craven committed […]