<h1 class="entry-title">Category: NEPBA News</h1>
21 Jan

The NEPBA announces settlement with the Massachusetts POST Commission

The NEPBA today announced that it – along with other law enforcement labor groups – had reached a settlement with the Massachusetts POST Commission over alleged constitutional violations related to questionnaires POST required police officers to answer, and which also inquired into social media posts and group membership and affiliations. After litigation brought by NEPBA […]

13 Jan

Chief payments, hiring practices under fire LAWRENCE POLICE DEPARTMENT

1/13/25 from the Eagle Tribune Criticism of mayor comes as Civil Service Commission calls for investigation By Jill Harmacinski » jharmacinski@eagletribune.com LAWRENCE – Leading city councilors lashed out at Mayor Brian DePena, saying $1.2 million is being paid to past and temporary Lawrence police chiefs as the search for a permanent Police Department leader drags […]

10 Jan

Suspended Lawrence police chief paid $210K salary to stay home

NBC 10 (BOSTON) 1/10/25 The Massachusetts POST Commission suspended the law enforcement certification of William Castro last March. The provisional police chief, a political ally of the mayor, has continued receiving a $210,000 salary while the city conducts two separate investigations into the allegations. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEOS