On Thursday March 12th, the NEPBA Legislative Committee joined by members of the Executive Committee, and other Local members, held the Inaugural Massachusetts Legislative Awards Dinner at the Best Western Royal Plaza in Marlborough, MA.
For 2014, the Legislative Committee unanimously voted to recognize four Massachusetts Legislators who, in their opinion, went above and beyond for NEPBA members and their families. The recipients for 2014 are,
State Representative James Miceli
State Representative Harold Naughton
State Senator Michael O. Moore
State Senator James Timilty
The festivities began with a short social hour in which the Legislators had a chance to speak with NEPBA members in attendance. Dinner immediately followed.
Opening remarks and introductions were made by NEPBA Massachusetts Legislative Director Paul Larkham. He praised the work accomplished by the four Legislators on behalf of the NEPBA in 2014. He explained how the NEPBA has established a great many contacts within the Statehouse and attributed it to the hard work of the 17 members of the MA Legislative Committee. Larkham pointed out the successes gained in Massachusetts also came from the strong support the Legislative Committee received from the Executive Committee and made a point of thanking NEPBA President Marty Conway and NEPBA Treasurer Bill Ryan who were in attendance.
The podium was then turned over to NEPBA President Marty Conway who with Executive Vice Presidents Deborah Batista and Tom Daly made the award presentations. President Conway thanked the efforts of the Legislative Committee and said he was happy that his choice of Tom Daly and Deborah Batista to serve as the Co-Chairs was the right one.
President Conway presented the 2014 Legislative Special Recognition Award to State Representative James Miceli for his demonstrative efforts in helping to defeat House Bill 59, (Healthcare for Retirees). As previously reported HB59, as written and filed by Governor Patrick, would have had financial devastating effects on NEPBA members and their families. Representative Miceli made it clear at the large hearing on this Bill, held in the Gardiner Auditorium, that as a Senior member of the House he would be voting to further study the Bill and would hold to the promises made to public employees. This single Act led the way to the Bills’ ultimate demise.
Legislator of the Year Awards were bestowed on State Representative Harold Naughton along with State Senators Michael O. Moore and James Timilty. Each of these Legislators clearly supported NEPBA members inside and outside of the Statehouse throughout 2014. This included filing and fighting for passage of Bills specifically filed on behalf of NEPBA.
Each Legislator took a few moments to address the crowd after receiving their awards and then closing remarks were offered by Legislative Committee Co-Chairs Tom Daly and Deborah Batista. Both thanked the members of the Committee for their hard work throughout the year.
The evening continued with photos of the award recipients and more socializing which went well beyond the scheduled time of the event.